External Social Media Policy
This document sets out the guidelines for using the Inalca S.p.A. social media and, unless otherwise indicated, the social media of Inalca S.p.A.’s Italian and foreign subsidiaries, as defined under Article 2359 of the Italian Civil Code (hereinafter the “Inalca Group”), which regulate the relationship between the Inalca Group and users.
The Inalca Group uses the main social media for communicating with the market (customers, prospects, influencers, consumers), the media (newspapers, the internet, radio, TV, etc.), the research community (universities, laboratories, research institutes, etc.) and its stakeholders in general. Its communication activities on social media are also addressed to its employees/staff members/ consultants.
Unless otherwise stated, the Inalca Group’s social media pages/official channels are managed, under its responsibility, by Inalca S.p.A.’s Marketing Department. For any further information, please contact: marketing@inalca.it
The Inalca Group uses the main social media to:
• promote and provide information relating to its products and services,
• promote its own (physical or virtual) events,
• give visibility to press releases, news or other contents,
• relaunch contents of other users deemed of interest to its Users.
Intellectual property
Texts, photographs and documents (infographics, white papers, etc.) shared by the Inalca Group on its social media channels are, unless otherwise specified thereon, deemed to be licensed material and, therefore, can be freely reproduced, but they must always be credited to the original channel from which they were taken.
The Inalca Group social media channels are open to all those who intend to engage in polite, relevant and respectful conversations. The following activities are not tolerated:
• providing content that promotes encourages or perpetuates discrimination (based on gender, race, language, religion, political opinions, sexual orientation, etc.),
• soliciting the purchase of goods or services,
• conducting or encouraging illegal activities,
• providing content that discloses personal data in violation of personal data protection legislation,
• content that violates the interest of a legal property or of a third party,
• content of a sexual nature.
The following are discouraged and moderated:
• off-topic content ,
• remarks of a political nature,
• offensive language or content,
• spam.
The Inalca Group reserves the right to remove any content that violates this social media policy and block the user if necessary. In more serious situations, the Inalca Group reserves the right to report the user to the managers of the platform and possibly to the police.
The processing of users’ personal data will comply with the ongoing policies applied on the platforms that are being used (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Linkedin). Personal data posted in comments or public posts on the Inalca Group social media channels will be removed. The data shared by users through the social media private messaging functions will be processed in compliance with Italian personal data protection legislation or with the territory in which the Inalca Group Company in question operates.
Listed below are the principles that a social page (e.g. a Facebook page) must respect. The Netiquettes in question must appear on the page for the purpose of regulating and helping both the Company and users to correctly take advantage of the possibilities offered by social media support services.
The page in question was created to promote the Company’s work and give the community the opportunity to voice its opinion and be updated on the Company’s initiatives and the latest news. Any experience that has been gained and any constructive criticisms are important and the page’s administrators will try to help users in the best manner possible in every situation whatsoever. The Company reserves the right to view all the comments and moderate in the most appropriate manner possible those comments that are deemed to be inappropriate, offensive or irrelevant to the topics dealt with on the page in question. It requires originality and the sharing of videos, links, photographs and texts to which the rights are held.
Any comments and/or questions regarding the Company will be met with timely answers. It should, however, be noted that finding all the correct information sometimes requires a particular commitment and dedication.
Adequate and non-offensive language must be used. Unseemly and discriminatory statements regarding ideas, sex, race, religion and messaging that does not respect the beliefs, opinions and passions of others will be removed.
It is advisable not to write a message entirely in capital letters: in the internet, this behaviour is the equivalent of raising your voice and is, therefore, considered rude. It is advisable not to digress, go off topic in respect of the matter that is being discussed in the post and on the page in question.
Should these rules not be observed, the content may be removed and, in the most serious cases, the user can be reported and banned from the fan page.
For any request, clarification and consideration that goes beyond the content of the page in question, you can use the “Contact Us” page in the dedicated section of the official website www.inalca.it.
It should be noted that the Inalca Group declines all responsibility in the event that third parties use information, data and images published in the Group’s social media networks.