The largest italian producer of canned meat
Inalca Spa, with a production capacity of over 50,000 tons per year, is the largest Italian producer of canned meat.
Inalca Spa, with a production capacity of over 50,000 tons per year, is the largest Italian producer of canned meat.
At the Rieti and Castelvetro di Modena plants is carried out and completed the entire production process of various product types: jellied beef, beef in broth, pressed beef, luncheon beef, corned beef, goulash, tripe, sauces and meat pate.
The raw materials used come almost exclusively from selected adult bovine meats and the entire production process (cooking, packaging and sterilization) is carried out in conformity with the relative national and International regulations in force, ensuring high quality standards.
For the Italian market, Inalca Spa mainly produces meat in gelatin under the brand Montana, Manzotin, and several private label brands.
Inalca Spa is the main Italian exporter of canned meats to Eastern European, African and Middle Eastern and South America countries where it sells its products in various formats and weights, and where its brands Texana,Bill Beef, Beef Patè and Montex are widely known.
© 2025 Inalca S.p.A.. Reg. Imp. Modena e C.F. 01825020363 - P.I. 02562260360 - Note legali - Società soggetta alla direzione e coordinamento di Cremonini S.p.A.